It’s been a bit since I did much fuzzing, and recently at work I was tasked with fuzzing some medical device protocols– HL7, ASTM and POCT1A for a device that was ingesting them. It was a bit of a strange set up, and ended up requiring me to fuzz over TCP.
In an ideal fuzzing scenario, you’re definitely not fuzzing over the network, as that requires interacting with the network stack and everything that comes with it… creating sockets, sending data, waiting for responses, closing sockets, etc. Then looping that. All this to say: it’s (very) slow. A best case scenario is having source, and changing the app to instead take input from stdin.
If you don’t have source and can’t easily patch a bin, the next best thing is desocking it (de-socketing). This usually entails hooking the networking functions or defining them elsewhere and doing something like LD_PRELOAD
– this technique is seen commonly in conjuction with afl.
Anyway, I was stuck doing some network fuzzing and it sucked. So, to make it suck a bit less I used boofuzz, a network capable fuzzer written in python3. I’ve used boofuzz a lot in the past– it’s a bit confusing at first, but it allows a lot of extensibility.
Of the three protocols I was poking at, only one required a checksum, and although boofuzz didn’t support the exact alg I needed ((sum % 256) + 16), it was easily implemented.
Checksums with boofuzz
boofuzz supports the Checksum()
function (essentially a data type), that can be used to create a checksum of one or two bytes width. Checksums accept a “block” as an argument, so using them is crucial for the proper calculation.
The script below doesn’t do anything besides generate a checksum for a made up ASTM data frame:
from boofuzz import *
# enq packet
enq = b"\x05"
# a silly ASTM packet
stx = b"2P"
frame = b"2|blah^blah^^2.0+70+1.0|12|||R^32^||V||1201639|20240225051522|2333352156323|19\r"
etx = b"\x03"
end = b"\r\n"
def main():
checksum = checksum_bytes(frame + etx)
print("ASTM data frame checksum: " + checksum)
def checksum_bytes(data):
checksum = 0
for i in data:
checksum += i
c = hex(checksum % 256)[2:]
return c
if __name__ == "__main__":
Running this produces a result of 7e
for that frame. Assembling an ASTM packet is then trivial, stx + frame + etx + checksum + end
It also has everything needed to make a boofuzz script off of, as the packet sections can be treated as blocks. In main()
boofuzz will be initialized:
def main():
session = Session(
target=Target(connection=TCPSocketConnection("", 80)),
is, well, where the protocol will be “defined” to boofuzz. Request
s are literal requests, they’re an individual packet. Request
s can contain Block
s, an additional way to organize data within the packet. The code below creates two requests, an ENQ request, followed by the astm data. The second block within the data
request contains the checksum, which is calculated off the data in the frame
The algorithm
argument specifies the algorithm used. According to some documentation, boofuzz either accepts a pre-defined list of algs, or a function can be specified, documented as Function signature: <function_name>(data_bytes). Returns a number represented as a bytes type.
These packets are then sent to the application via the calls to session.connect()
. It’s not a mistake that session.connect
is called twice, it’s just how boofuzz does it.
def define_proto(session):
# "start" packet
start_req = Request("start", children=(
Static(name="enq", default_value="\x05")
# "data" packet
# calcs a checksum off data_block
# custom "summod256" checksum algorithm
data_req = Request("data", children=(
Static(name="stx", default_value="\x2P"),
Block(name="frame", children=(
String(name="frame-data", default_value="2|blah^blah^^2.0+70+1.0|12|||R^32^||V||1201639|20240225051522|2333352156323|19\r"),
Static(name="etx", default_value="\x03")
Block(name="checksum", children=(
Checksum(name="checksum", block_name="frame", algorithm="summod256"),
Static(name="end", default_value="\r\n")
session.connect(start_req, data_req)
The algorithm
argument is seemingly as simple as algorithm=checksum(x)
but I wasn’t able to ascertain the actual argument to pass to it. Instead, another possiblity is editing the
boofuzz file. Inserting some code at line 191 adds the summod256
checksum type, below:
diff --git a/boofuzz/blocks/ b/boofuzz/blocks/
index 4712dc8..69cbaf1 100644
--- a/boofuzz/blocks/
+++ b/boofuzz/blocks/
@@ -188,6 +188,13 @@ class Checksum(primitives.BasePrimitive):
check = digest
+ # sum of bytes % 256
+ elif self._algorithm == "summod256":
+ checksum = 0
+ for i in data:
+ checksum += i
+ check = hex(checksum % 256)[2:]
raise exception.SullyRuntimeError("INVALID CHECKSUM ALGORITHM SPECIFIED: %s" % self._algorithm)
Now, boofuzz will calculate a checksum of the frame
block and append it after the ETX
Here’s a full example script for fuzzing ASTM frames with boofuzz. From here, the actual ASTM frame data can be broken into the component fields and fuzzed individually.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# boofuzz ASTM w/ checksum example
# two request variants incoporating blocks and checksums
# checksum uses a "sum % 256" algorithm, added to boofuzz/blocks/
# summod256 is basically checksum_bytes()
from boofuzz import *
# a silly ASTM packet
stx = b"2P"
frame = b"2|blah^blah^^2.0+70+1.0|12|||R^32^||V||1201639|20240225051522|2333352156323|19"
etx = b"\x03"
end = b"\r\n"
def main():
session = Session(
target=Target(connection=TCPSocketConnection("", 80)),
# checksum tests -- string and byte input, respectively
#checksum_bytes(frame + etx)
def define_proto(session):
# ENQ packet
start_req = Request("start", children=(
Static(name="enq", default_value="\x05")
# Example ASTM frame w/ checksum
# calcs a checksum off "frame" block
data_req = Request("data", children=(
Static(name="stx", default_value="2P"),
Block(name="frame", children=(
String(name="frame-data", default_value="2|blah^blah^^2.0+70+1.0|12|||R^32^||V||1201639|20240225051522|2333352156323|19"),
Static(name="cr", default_value="\r"),
Static(name="etx", default_value="\x03")
Block(name="checksum", children=(
Checksum(name="checksum", block_name="frame", algorithm="summod256"),
Static(name="end", default_value="\r\n")
session.connect(start_req, data_req)
def checksum_string(data):
checksum = 0
for i in data:
checksum += ord(i)
c = hex(checksum % 256)[2:]
return c
def checksum_bytes(data):
checksum = 0
for i in data:
checksum += i
c = hex(checksum % 256)[2:]
return c
if __name__ == "__main__":