Posts with the tag notes redteam msbuild malware unsafe:

Msbuild'ing Unsafe Tasks - Pt. 2

Unsafe Inline MSBuild Tasks - Part 2 I wrote a post recently about a technique leveraging System.Reflection to pass CLI arguments into csc.exe when compiling MSBuild inline tasks. This isn’t my research, but uses a technique that seems to have been discovered(? idk) by the Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) guys. The goal of this technique is to allow the unsafe keyword to be used when building C# inline msbuild tasks via XML.

Msbuild'ing Unsafe Tasks

MSBuild’ing unsafe inline tasks Recently while doing a bit of research I came across a few blockers (classic)– the basic problem seemed like it should be fairly simple (also classic), and yet I googled fruitlessly. Reading innumerable stack overflow answers assured me, the problem was simple! For I must be the fool; how could so many accepted answers to what seemed to be my exact issue be mistaken? My question boiled down to this: